Thursday, July 28

Whole Fishin: "Getting started"

"Here’s a tidbit most fisherman won’t admit to you or anyone else, a fishing pole is just a fishing pole.

Who cares where it came from or that it cost more than last year’s snow tires?      

 Like snow tires a pole has but one job, helping you catching fish.

If you have a rod or you’re on the way to purchase one, please keep this in mind.

As for accessories, you need but three things to start.  A package of swivels, some clear casting bubbles (these come in various sizes, I recommend the middle ones) and of course a packaged assortment of flies.

Now it starts getting fun.

When you reach your chosen body of water, sit down and just look around at everything. Beautiful isn’t it?
Push the button or open the bail on your reel and feed the line through the guides on your rod. Pull enough line out that it reaches a foot or so past your reel.....Dang, I forgot to mention snagging the finger nail clippers out of the bathroom.

Snip the line off that extra foot from the rod tip and hold on to it; I put the end between my lips so I know where it is.

 Grab a casting bubble and notice that the stopper is bigger on one end than the other.  Feed the line through the bubble big side down. Now pick up one of the swivels, pull the line through the end that looks like a safety pin. 

Next time will talk knotology and casting..."

 Carpe Diem ladies, and stay to the light."

Wednesday, July 27

'Whole Fishin’…Ladies style': "No such thing as an ugly fly"

"To prove tying an ugly fly is impossible, try this experiment.

Put a small chunk of OO steel wool in your pocket and a short length of dark colored shoelace split into two pieces.

On any body of water, take one piece of shoelace and slide either end up or a little past the eyelet of a bare hook, after you’ve already tied off on your leader.

Please note I never say “tippet”.

The conversations I’ve had in the past with any catchable fish has taught me that the fly is being moved along by it’s friend “the leader” not it’s third cousin Timmy ‘tippet’.

When you’ve got the shoelace in place, follow the shape of the hook with the remaining lace and poke the hook through where it touches.

You have now tied the “H. Neal Leech”.  Sure, there was no actual tying and if you’d feel better tying your shoes off to something, we don’t care.

On flat water let this tasty morsel drift with the water for a fifteen count, then start swimming it back VERY slowly, with long pauses in-between.

On flowing water, stay back from the bank and fish the inside pools first.  Slowly working the leech out and you in, very softly.

 Well crud-on-a-stick.   I forgot the steel wool.  Eh… week….

 CARPE DIEM LADIES and stay to the light."

All Rights Reserved.

'Whole Fishin'....Ladies Style': "Size matters"

"And now a word from our sponsors, oops, don’t have one.

Remember to buy from your local blogger and a great gift for your kids and ladies is a fly-fishing lesson. 

Anywhere, anytime.   (check out my new blog page)

We’re still working flies, girls. The way your fly tracks on any body of water is not only important in catching a fish, but also in the size of the little devil.

OK, ladies, this tidbit is not for opposing spouses.

How deep your fly “works” the water and their depths are directly related to the third cousin of your aunt’s second husband’s brother in Walsenburg.

The deeper it goes, the bigger the fish.

Each time you peg your fly out there, watch it and ask yourself if it's having fun in the water.  Is it leaning to one side or another or maybe it just looks, eh, you know....ugly.

If the answer is yes to either case,  pinch your fly “between thumb and forefinger.” 

Now, without regard to the pain and suffering you’re about to cause; cut, shave or burn the hairy junk off its belly and that collar thing.  How's that for ladies speak?

Peg it out there again.  See the difference?

A tip to the fly:

Tying flies should be a concentrated plunge into finger painting and the misuse of scissors.  You cannot tie a bad fly.

A teeny tiny fly is pretty, but those big dog nasty ones… wait for it…… wait……catch big fish!

Whiner One: “She won’t let me go fishing”

Whiner Two: "He won’t let me go fishing"

Carpe Diem ladies and stay to the light. "

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