Wednesday, July 27

'Whole Fishin’…Ladies style': "No such thing as an ugly fly"

"To prove tying an ugly fly is impossible, try this experiment.

Put a small chunk of OO steel wool in your pocket and a short length of dark colored shoelace split into two pieces.

On any body of water, take one piece of shoelace and slide either end up or a little past the eyelet of a bare hook, after you’ve already tied off on your leader.

Please note I never say “tippet”.

The conversations I’ve had in the past with any catchable fish has taught me that the fly is being moved along by it’s friend “the leader” not it’s third cousin Timmy ‘tippet’.

When you’ve got the shoelace in place, follow the shape of the hook with the remaining lace and poke the hook through where it touches.

You have now tied the “H. Neal Leech”.  Sure, there was no actual tying and if you’d feel better tying your shoes off to something, we don’t care.

On flat water let this tasty morsel drift with the water for a fifteen count, then start swimming it back VERY slowly, with long pauses in-between.

On flowing water, stay back from the bank and fish the inside pools first.  Slowly working the leech out and you in, very softly.

 Well crud-on-a-stick.   I forgot the steel wool.  Eh… week….

 CARPE DIEM LADIES and stay to the light."

All Rights Reserved.

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